A Resting Place

"It is enough that Jesus died, and that He died for me."

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

books a-plenty

So, I'm working on saving more money and not spending an exhorbitant amount on books. This is hard for me. So suddenly, in the mail, come these intriguing book offers - "Join our club, buy 4 books for $1," and on some, it was added, "and you're not required to buy any more." Hmmm...can this be true? I've done the same thing with cds before...I must find out. If I can still get a few new books and barely spend anything on them, well, that'd be great!

So I investigated, and indeed, it is true. After looking through two clubs, I have the following coming in the mail:

The Entire First Eleven Books of A Series of Unfortunate Events
The First Five Books of the same series (for my sister in law)
The Chronicles of Narnia (all seven books, for my brother)
Lost Scriptures (translations of the Gnostic texts)
Lost Christianities (only because it came with the previous book and still counted as one selection)
The Rise of Evangelicalism, Volume 1: The Age of Edwards, Whitefield, and the Wesleys
How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)
John Winthrop: America's Forgotten Founding Father

Total number of books: 28. Total price: less than $20 (plus shipping, which is always overcharged on these things), and my brother and sister in law will be helping with that (since they're getting books too). Total obligation: 3 more books over the next two years (two of which will be the final two in the Lemony Snicket series). And the best part is, no stupid monthly cards to send back; it can all be done online. (Of course, I'm going to stop right there. No more book clubs after these, 'cause it'd be defeating the point about not spending money)

An excellent deal, overall.


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