A Resting Place

"It is enough that Jesus died, and that He died for me."

Friday, May 06, 2005

Truth or Fiction (in forwards)

Calling all forward senders: Stop sending forwards!! Alright, alright...but if you must send forwards, especially you Christians out there who love to send them along and guilt people into sending them by telling them they don't really love God if they don't email a cheesy story to 10 friends in the next 10.7 seconds, go visit Truth or Fiction first. It's a website that sorts out the true stories from the false ones. For example, NASA never found the missing day in Joshua, and Democratic candidates have not "misquoted" John 3:16 and said John 16:3 instead.

If you get a forward and don't know if it's true, send it along to them like I did with the story of Christians being saved from the tsunami, and let them do the research first. If it's in doubt, better to not be a liar than the send it along. I hear these stories pop up in sermon illustrations, and it's just kind of embarrassing (not to mention insulting to people's intelligence).


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